GuttenPlag Wiki

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Give me ca. 20min. --Daniel Mietchen 18:30, 31. Mär. 2011 (UTC)

GuttenPlag - collaborative documentation of plagiarism

A critical examination of the doctoral dissertation of
Karl-Theodor Freiherr zu Guttenberg:
Verfassung und Verfassungsvertrag. Konstitutionelle Entwicklungsstufen in den USA und der EU
(Constitution and Constitutional Treaty: Constitutional developments in the USA and EU)

Further visualizations

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Important pages on the wiki

Get involved

  • The Forum serves as the central hub for discussions about the wiki (older discussions are here)
  • Suggestions and comments pertaining to content matters can be submitted via the GuttenPlag InBox.
  • How can I help?

Externe Seiten zum Thema

Achtung: Dies sind keine Initiativen von GuttenPlag

Beschreibung des Wikis

Dies ist eine kollaborative Dokumentation der Plagiate – jeder ist eingeladen, hier mitzuarbeiten. Ergänzungen und Änderungen in diesem Wiki sind transparent und jederzeit nachvollziehbar. Jede Bearbeitung wird protokolliert. Siehe: Letzte Änderungen (ohne Diskussionsbeiträge)

Guttenbergs Dissertation und die Plagiatsvorwürfe wurden seit dem 16. Februar 2011 intensiv in nahezu allen deutschsprachigen Medien behandelt. Eine Chronologie der Ereignisse findet man hier.


We wish to clarify that this initiative has nothing to do with political preferences, personal dirt campaigns or the like. It is our aim to protect the scientific integrity of a doctoral degree in Germany, so that holders of such a degree can continue to be expected to follow good scientific practice. By revealing the existing cases of plagiarism in the dissertation at hand, we attempt to facilitate the work of the Review panel at the University of Bayreuth that is investigating the matter. Should dissertations of politicians from the other end of the spectrum "distinguish" themselves by way of plagiarism, we would have no problem to proceed in the same manner.

Über GuttenPlag

Dieses Wiki dokumentiert die Plagiate in der Dissertation von Karl-Theodor zu Guttenberg. Zudem dient es als Beispiel für kollaborative Plagiatsdokumentation.


Interim reports

Initial English version


Current situation (as of March 21, 2011, 11:00 UCT)

Plagiat graphic

For larger figure, see below.

  • The final second audit of suspected cases of plagiarism has started, for which we are still looking for helping hands. For a good introduction, see the procedures for collaborative quality assurance for the final report. We call on all supporters of the project to participate in these quality assurance efforts.
  • If you have time for an hour or two, please check How can I help?. Like most of this wiki, that page is in German. You can also ask for help by way of the chat.

External sites on the matter

Note: These are not GuttenPlag initiatives.


For the figure to be updatable, the desired pages have to be listed here.

Plagiat graphic
Ploagiat graphic-legende provisorisch

The figure can be used for press purposes, with attribution to "GuttenPlag Wiki". We would be glad about an email notification to High-res PDF for print

Description of the wiki

This is a collaborative documentation of cases of plagiarism - everyone is invited to join in. For questions and suggestions, a tweet to @PlagDoc works best.

In this wiki, additions and modifications are transparent and easy to trace back. Each edit is being recorded - see Recent Changes (without discussions).

Since February 16, Guttenberg's dissertation and the plagiarism row have been covered in virtually all German-language media outlets. For a chronology, see here.

Note: We moved from Google Docs to Wikia because the traffic load became too heavy for the former.

Thank you very very much for all the support you gave so far - please keep it up! You rock!